
Do you actually shop at Zulily? Yeah me neither. Different from the other ads that may find their way to your social media feeds because of your recent visit to their sites, Zulily has a constant presence without showing prior interest to their site. Reviews of the site contradict its claim for great deals. In Seth Godin’s definition of a brand he says that it is a set of expectations, but Zulily lets down these expectations. Users say high shipping prices and long waits discourage them from shopping with the company again. Amidst these hassles, clothing quality is also unreliable.

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Zulily utilizes side banners on Facebook to advertise discounts on the season’s clothes. Marty Neumeier says a person gets a gut feeling to help them define a brand. Personally, this gut feeling negatively defines Zulily. For happier customers, I suggest that in the future Zulily only heavily targets people who visit their site.

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